Join me and Fill your glass!

New Beginnings and my love of Brunch!


Starting new things can be hard. Doing hard things is often scary. So it only makes sense that starting this blog scares me a little! It scares me because I know the things I want this blog to be filled with and it will require me to be real and honest. So, I hope y’all will enjoy this blog. I hope you will find things in this little corner of the interwebs that inspire you, encourage you, make you laugh, maybe make you cry (we have to do that sometimes!), and fill you with hope and energy to step out into your corner of the world and make it a little better than it was yesterday.

Sunday Brunch, or really brunch on any day, is my favorite thing. I love a mimosa and French toast or chicken and waffles with my family and/or friends.  I’m a breakfast food kind of gal. Set me up with a breakfast buffet and I’m in heaven. I want every thing I do to fill me up like Sunday brunch; to fill my heart and soul with such content and bring me joy like bacon and mimosas do! I want the things I write about or share with you here in our little corner to fill your soul up like mimosas and bacon fill up mine!

The name I Love You the Mimosa came right out of my daughter’s creative genius, and I took it and ran with it! I felt I was ready to finally jump in head first. So I sat down with Layla hanging on my shoulder as per usual, and we started talking about what name we could use. We say I love you the freaking mostest  a lot to each other (courtesy Ava Ryan,, and she twisted it up and added mimosa! I loved it from the moment it left her lips! I knew that was it, that was what I needed! That was my God moment…my daughter calling out my love of mimosas!

We all know that life won’t always feel like Sunday Brunch. It’s not always easy to see a way through or a reason why, but if we can take just a minute to fill our glass with everything we are grateful for it will begin to overflow and spread to the people and world around us. Gratitude, grace, and a just a little humor can make even our toughest days a little better. I hope this blog is a joy and encouragement to you. I hope you find something that speaks to you or for you. I hope you enjoy it. I hope. Cheers:)